Monday 19 January 2015

First blog I've ever written....

So this is it....

After many years of people banging on to me to start writing and "blogging" I have found a cheeky half hour to try to put some words on to paper...

Now due to my snail speed typing it will either take me longer that 30 minutes to write or it will be a very short opening salvo into the world of the blog-o-sphere. Added to which I was concentrating so much on setting up this blog that I am just realising that I have no idea what to write about !

So what is Hands On and what's it all about?

Hands On was the brain child of myself and my better more charming half, Ellie..
Cheezy Photo of me, Ellie and Jane Alexander.

MY driving goal and ambition in life has been to help and to heal other people. I have always done it since the year dot, well I remember doing it at about aged 7. I could for some reason get rid of my Mum's headaches when nothing else could. I have been a body worker for over 20 years now, and I'm only 41. When I was 18 I had surgery on my spine, a (cricket related injury, and no I did't get hit in the back with a ball!)

I discovered Floating when in Oxford at Eau de Vie. It helped my back pain massively. I wanted to put the 2 together, Ellie came up with the name "Hands On" and we were off.

4 Years Later

Multi disciplined Complementary Therapy Clinic. 

That is the aim, when, if one of us can't help you we refer you to someone else under our roof, so we all work together to fix and maintain you as quickly as we can, in the most economical fashion possible, none of this "well you will need at least 10 sessions to start with...". We truly believe that MASSIVE changes can be effected usually within 3 sessions, some times less, very rarely more. we are about helping you!  For me this is a way of life, and I truly believe that we will have someone here that can help everyone!

This is why I treat ALL CHILDREN under 11 for free !!!
Because you can't put a price on your kids health...

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